Tuesday Talking Points

...Hat tip to my friend Evan Reynolds who discovered the road, Star Wars Path, really exists. It is right down the road from where I live so I need to get a pic.

...I didn't have a dog in the fight on Sunday for the Super Bowl but I'm sure glad I stayed up for it! That was football at its finest...

...but Neil Bortz is right on this account today. We are so enamored with the Super Bowl but the competition for the presidency is a much more important event. The Super Bowl won't change your life - unless you bet on the Patriots, it won't - but who the next president is certainly will. Get out and vote!

...My daughter has strep throat. It is going around along with everything else under the sun - be sure to wash your hands and cough and sneeze into your sleeve. BTW, did you know there are more germs on the handles of shopping carts than any where else? Ewwww!

...Last night our Cub Scout Den began filming our movie and learning map and compass skills. We had brothers and sisters everywhere as well. Den 9 rocks! I love being a scout leader.

...Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. If you've never been to an Ash Wednesday service, I'd encourage you to make plans to be at Due West.

...Informational Lunch for Crossroads UMC is this Sunday after 11am worship!!!!

...I love my family! I am so blessed.

...Finally, the community of Paulding County is mourning this week after the loss of six prominent leaders in our community. Please remember to lift up their families.


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