Tuesday Talking Points

...In a mix up of e-mails, I sent an announcement to a gmail account in Australia! Turns out, it was from a Christian and their prayer group is now joining the prayer team for Crossroads UMC! Coincidence? I think not.

...I got an e-mail that there will be a get to know JK Rogers for Sheriff at Beef O' Brady's on Cedarcrest road at 6 pm on Thursdays, except for Valentines Day. Beef's will be donating proceeds to various community projects. Just passing on some info and reflecting on how important connections are in our community

...Den 9 finished filming our movie last night! Sometimes things get out of whack but spending time with these guys reminds me how important it is for men to get out and mentor boys.

...Thanks again to Jason and Josh Ingham for making the movie with us and teaching us more about maps and compass. I am so proud of these guys and all our military men and women who give in many ways. Please remember to pray for them.

...I'm really getting excited about my sermon at Due West this week especially since I'm preaching all services! I'll be posting later about some of my thoughts and ideas.

...Guys, it is Valentine's Day!!! Don't forget to p/u a card, flowers, chocolates, but DO SOMETHING!!! (I'd share but just in case my wife reads the blog, I'm not telling. ;) )

May I Ask: Do you think Valentine's Day is important or a chance for greeting card companies to make more money? Why or why not? (you may post annonymously)

May I Suggest: Get creative with who you give to and what you give. Pick a charity and give in honor of someone or provide a surprise to your office staff.


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